Pastor's Assist
The concept of Pastor's assist is to be of assistance to pastor's who are unable to be at their church due to health issues, fatigued, or just need rest for a particular day or short time period. Many pastor's have so many responsibilities, and are over worked, silently overwhelmed and would like to rest and may need of a preacher for a day or special occasion. I am here to fill that gap and be of service. I see it as a call from God. However, though a call from God. it would be great if I can be gifted with an honoranion or a special offering for travel etc. I hope you would consider giving me a call to be of service to you . Blessings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For more information Contact Us: Dr. Clarence Greene Phone: 1-678-421-4855 US Phone: 1-868-397-5961 TT Whatsapp: 1-678-856-3709 |
The compensation for us to accept this opportunity to serve you would have to be discussed and agreed upon by both parties This gift can be paid in cash or online via the link below.
Pastor's Assist Payment
Pastor's Assist Payment